故事如此動聽卻再不具名 餘韻迴送到嘴邊已靜 似是而非誰也不確定 毫髮無損怎麼作證
不瞅不理就不能不淡忘 乾脆利索
you were my something my one thing to nothing 忘記你暱稱 枕邊絮語已無需傾聽 默念無用呼應 you were my something my one thing to nothing you were everything 情動叫你一聲 臨別亦是一聲 you’re just… nothing
你是我家 是我口袋的鑰匙 是血肉與理智的餵飼 你是途中暫借的姓氏 是葬在心瓣的倒刺
you were my something my one thing to nothing 忌諱你暱稱 千絲百縷掛念需撕斷 道別然後疏遠 you were my something my one thing to nothing you were everything 情動叫你一聲 臨別亦是一聲 you’re just nothing
you were my something my one thing to nothing 重配你暱稱 根深蒂固歲月都沖蝕 下任 重蹈覆轍 you were my something my one thing to nothing you were everything 無論哪個身影 無緣亦是掃興 無謂再次憧憬 無名便沒見證 you’re just nothing