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US House Republicans seek to halt Biden EV regulations

7/12/2023 12:59
                The Republican-led House of Representatives voted on Wednesday to bar the Biden administration from moving forward with stringent vehicle emissions regulations that would result in 67% of new vehicles being electric by 2032.
        "While EVs may play a large role in the future of the auto industry, Washington should not discount other technologies like hydrogen, hybrids, and the internal combustion engine," said Republican Tim Walberg, a sponsor of the legislation.
        The 221 to 197 vote, which included five Democrats joining 216 Republicans, drew a veto threat from the White House, which said it would "catastrophically impair" the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) ability to issue automotive regulations.
        The EPA said in April the proposed 2027 to 2032 standards would cut emissions by 56% compared to the existing 2026 requirements, or 13% annual average pollution cuts.


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