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Lockbit cybercrime gang disrupted by Britain, US and EU

20/2/2024 12:44
        Lockbit, a notorious cybercrime gang that holds its victims' data to ransom, has been disrupted in a rare international law enforcement operation by Britain's National Crime Agency, the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation, Europol and a coalition of international police agencies, according to a post on the gang's extortion website on Monday.
        The post said, "This site is now under the control of the National Crime Agency of the UK, working in close cooperation with the FBI and the international law enforcement task force, 'Operation Cronos'."
        An NCA spokesperson confirmed that the agency had disrupted the gang and said the operation was "ongoing and developing". A representative for Lockbit did not respond to messages from Reuters seeking comment but did post messages on an encrypted messaging app saying it had backup servers not affected by the law enforcement action.


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