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South Korea, United States prepare for early talks on sharing defence costs

5/3/2024 12:05
        South Korea and the United States have named envoys to launch a new early round of talks on ways to share the cost of keeping American troops in South Korea, the countries said on Tuesday.
        The appointment of South Korea's Lee Tae-woo and the United States' Linda Specht comes unusually early for a deal set to take effect in 2026, perhaps aimed at reaching agreement before the possible re-election of Donald Trump as U.S. president.
        Preparations for the talks had begun, considering that the exercise usually takes more than a year, said Lim Soo-suk, a spokesman for South Korea's foreign ministry.
        "Both delegations will endeavour to engage in productive consultations that strengthen the combined defence posture and further solidify our alliance," the ministry and the U.S. State Department said in a joint statement.


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