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Azerbaijan urges UN court to toss out case alleging racial discrimination

15/4/2024 18:48
        Lawyers for Azerbaijan on Monday urged the top United Nations court to throw out a case filed by Armenia linked to the long-running dispute over the Nagorno-Karabakh region, arguing that judges do not have jurisdiction.
        Armenia filed the case at the International Court of Justice in 2021, accusing Azerbaijan of a "state-sponsored policy of Armenian hatred" that has led to "systemic discrimination, mass killings, torture and other abuse."
        The legal dispute stems from long-standing tensions that erupted into a 2020 war over Nagorno-Karabakh that left more than 6,600 people dead. The region is within Azerbaijan, but had been under the control of ethnic Armenian forces backed by Armenia since the end of a separatist war in 1994.


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