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US anchors aid pier to Gaza beach but distribution plans uncertain

16/5/2024 16:38
        The United States anchored a temporary floating pier to a beach in Gaza on Thursday to boost aid deliveries, but Washington is facing the same challenges that have beset the United Nations and relief groups for months when it comes to distributing assistance to the war-torn enclave.
        These include working in a war zone to stave off a looming famine and a dire shortage of fuel for aid trucks. The United Nations also has yet to finalize its involvement in the distribution of aid once it comes off the pier.
        Trucks carrying humanitarian assistance are expected to begin moving ashore in the coming days, U.S. Central Command said in a statement announcing the anchoring of the pier. But aid agencies said there were challenges still to be resolved.
        "Once you get food or supplies into the Gaza Strip, whether it's from the pier or crossing points, there is no security and ... there's no fuel," said Bob Kitchen, the International Rescue Committee's vice president for emergencies.


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