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San Francisco police arrest 70 protesters at Israeli consulate

4/6/2024 13:53
        San Francisco police arrested 70 pro-Palestinian demonstrators on trespassing charges on Monday after they entered the lobby of the building housing the Israeli consulate and refused to leave, police said.
        "Officers developed probable cause to arrest 70 suspects who refused to vacate the building," police said in a statement. No injuries were reported.
        Police led protesters out of the building one by one and loaded them into police vehicles, their hands bound by zip ties, according to a Reuters witness.
        Protesters, who were voicing opposition to Israel's incursion into Gaza, had said they planned to stay until forcibly removed, the San Francisco Chronicle reported from the scene.
        A group called the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network said on Instagram that 100 people had participated in the protest.
        The Israeli consulate said it was "appalled, but not surprised" by the protesters who entered the lobby of the building where the consulate is located. The Israeli statement labeled the protesters "pro-Hamas rioters." The consulate added that the police responded rapidly.


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