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Ukrainians better treated than others displaced by war, Council of Europe says

20/6/2024 12:53
        Ukrainians who fled their homes to escape Russia's invasion have received better treatment than those displaced by other ongoing wars and emergencies, Europe's top human rights group said on Thursday, calling on member states to support all equally.
        In its annual report, the Council of Europe's anti-racism commission (ECRI) said "admirable efforts" have been made to support Ukrainians since the war started in February 2022.
        But it said treatment of people from Ukraine had varied depending on their ethnicity.
        For instance, accommodation conditions offered to Roma with Ukrainian citizenship were lower quality than those offered to other Ukrainians in the same situation, ECRI said.
        Shortly after the start of the war, the African Union said it was disturbed by reports African citizens in Ukraine had been refused the right to cross borders to safety.
        Significant differences have also been observed between the quality of reception centres and services provided to Ukrainians compared with refugees and asylum seekers from elsewhere, ECRI added.


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