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Poland investigating crime against Belarusian opposition figure

19/7/2024 16:31
        Prosecutors in Poland are investigating a crime targeting leading Belarusian opposition figure Pavel Latushka under sections of the penal code covering homicide and the activities of foreign intelligence networks.
        National Prosecutor's Office spokesperson Przemyslaw Nowak told Reuters in an email that an investigation was being conducted together with officers from Poland's Internal Security Agency based in the central city of Lodz.
        He declined to give specific details of the events being investigated.
        According to a letter from prosecutors to Latushka seen by Reuters, the investigation falls under sections of the penal code which cover inciting others to commit a crime, the activities of foreign intelligence agencies and homicide.
        The investigation into a crime against Latushka, a deputy head of the United Transitional Cabinet of Belarus, comes at a time of heightened fears for the safety of Belarusian and Russian opposition figures after an attack on Leonid Volkov, an exiled aide to late Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny.


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