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Seven people suspected of terrorism remain in custody - Belgian prosecutor

26/7/2024 16:36
        Seven people who were detained in Belgium on Thursday on suspicion of terrorism after police raided houses remain in custody on Friday, the state prosecutor's spokesperson said.
        A judge will decide later on Friday whether they will be charged, the spokesperson said.
        Belgian media reported that investigators did not want to take any risks so close to the Olympic Games in Paris. But the prosecutor's office did not respond to a Reuters' question about a possible connection to the Games, whose opening ceremony will take place on Friday evening.
        "(The detainees) are suspected, among other things, of preparing a terrorist attack. The specific targets of the attack had not yet been determined," the prosecutor said in a statement on Thursday.
        The house searches took place in the cities of Antwerp, Liege and Ghent, among other sites, and in the Brussels region.
        The French anti-terrorism prosecutor told Reuters no arrest or search occurred in France as part of the investigation but did not say if they were involved in the investigation.


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