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In the 2nd quarter, 80 new cases of HIV infection were reported in Hong Kong

27/8/2024 19:39
        In the second quarter of this year, 80 new cases of HIV infection were reported in Hong Kong.
        Approximately 80% of these cases were transmitted through sexual contact, while the remaining 20% have an undetermined mode of transmission. The Department of Health reports that out of the 80 cases, 60 are male and 20 are female. Of these, 65 individuals have sought treatment from the Department of Health or specialized HIV services under the Hospital Authority.
        Since 40 years ago, Hong Kong has reported a total of 12,223 cases of HIV infection. In terms of AIDS cases, there were 16 new cases this quarter, all of which were transmitted through sexual contact. Among these cases, 15 were diagnosed during the symptomatic phase of the disease.


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