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Observatory: Severe tropical storm Shanshan has weakened

30/8/2024 5:59
        The Observatory pointed out that the high-altitude anticyclone will gradually strengthen in the next one or two days and bring generally clear weather to southeastern China; at the same time, affected by a broad low-pressure trough, there will be some showers in the northern South China Sea and along the coast of South China, and Guangdong will be affected early next week The wind is weak, the weather is very hot, and the high temperature will also trigger showers. A broad low-pressure trough is expected to bring unstable weather from the northwest Pacific to the central and northern parts of the South China Sea in the middle and late next week.
        In addition, Severe Tropical Storm Shanshan has weakened into a tropical storm and will move across Kyushu, Japan, to the Shikoku area of Japan today, and then linger in this area. At 4 a.m., Shanshan gathered about 210 kilometers northeast of Kagoshima and was expected to move slowly eastward, across Kyushu, Japan, and towards Shikoku, Japan. The Observatory predicts that it will be mostly cloudy in Hong Kong today with a few showers. The lowest temperature in the morning will be about 28 degrees. It will be sunny and very hot during part of the day. The maximum temperature in the urban area will be about 33 degrees. It will be one or two degrees higher in the New Territories. The wind will be light to moderate. East wind. Looking forward to a brief period of sunshine and a few showers during the weekend; early to mid next week, the weather will be very hot during the day and there will be showers in some areas.


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