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UN releases $100 mln to support 10 underfunded crises

30/8/2024 18:49
        The United Nations has released $100 million to support 10 underfunded humanitarian crises in Africa, the Americas, Asia and the Middle East, the U.N. said on Friday.
        A spokesperson said during a regular briefing, more than a third of this funding will go to aid operations in Yemen ($20 million) and Ethiopia ($15 million), where people are grappling with hunger, displacement, diseases and climate disasters.
        Other countries that will benefit from the funding include Myanmar ($12 million), Mali ($11 million), Burkina Faso ($10 million), Haiti ($9 million), Cameroon ($7 million) and Mozambique ($7 million), as well as El Nino-affected Burundi ($5 million) and Malawi ($4 million).
        U.N. humanitarian agency OCHA official Joyce Msuya said, "We urgently need increased and sustained donor attention to these underfunded crises."


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