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EU urges Lebanon, Israel to implement ceasefire, end cross-border threats

27/9/2024 6:13
        The European Union (EU) on Thursday urged Lebanon and Israel to end all cross-border threats and implement a ceasefire across the Blue Line, a buffer zone in southern Lebanon.
        "We urge both parties to urgently implement a ceasefire across the Blue Line that effectively and immediately ends all cross-border threats and to work towards the full and symmetrical implementation of UN Security Council resolution 1701 to ensure the safe return of displaced populations on both sides as part of a broader negotiated settlement," said the EU Delegation to Lebanon in a statement.
        The statement noted that "any further escalation would have dramatic consequences for the region and beyond," calling on the international community to mobilize in support of ongoing diplomatic efforts.
        The EU also reiterated its support for Lebanon, saying that "the Lebanese people can rest assured that member states and the EU will continue supporting them."
        Since Monday, Israel has conducted extensive airstrikes across Lebanon, resulting in over 650 deaths and more than 2,000 injuries. The Israeli military reported that it has targeted over 2,000 locations during this period. Lebanese Environment Minister Nasser Yassin noted on Wednesday that the bombardment has displaced more than 150,000 residents this week.


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