9月8日 (星期日)28°C 96

Where Do We Go / Ayumu Imazu

派台日期: 2024-07-05  
唱片公司:Warner Music


日本唱作新星 Ayumu Imazu 為運動飲料品牌寶礦力製作2024年主題曲〈Where Do We Go〉,歌曲將於7月5日推出。Ayumu在歌中紀錄從高中生進入成年階段的心路歷程,學識接受與身邊的人比較時感受到焦慮的自己。

"Where Do We Go" (5 Jul) reflects on the time Ayumu entered adulthood from being a high school kid, with the song's message to accept the anxiety you feel when you compare yourself with the people around you. The track is also the POCARI SWEAT 2024 theme song.