2月19日 (星期三)18°C 70

Who’s Making You Feel It / Cian Cucrot

派台日期: 2025-01-17  
唱片公司:Universal Music


Who’s Making You Feel It’ feels like an invigorating evolution in Cian’s style from his debut album. The bright, spacious piano melody that opens the song brings to mind the timelessness of early Elton John, but with a contemporary, radio- friendly twist when the flighty, punchy chorus soars to the stratosphere. Fans have come to love Cian for his emotionally- charged lyricism, but there’s a subtle evolution on that front too: where he would previously strike direct at the heart of
the sentiment, now there’s a playfulness to his words which brings a fresh sense of character to his songwriting.
Cian says, “The song is basically one big ‘Tell me, is this new guy better than me?” It’s about how we all find ourselves stalking our exes even if we say we don’t. And when you inevitably notice them moving on with other people all of a sudden that feeling of jealousy and curiosity pops up and you just need to know ‘Who is it?’, ‘Who’s making you feel better than I did?’ and ‘I notice it looks like your life is amazing and you’re really making the most of it all but also DO YOU MISS
MEEEE?!; The song is also a bit sarcastic in a way of asking this person if they have gotten everything they dreamed of after leaving you and that you ‘hope’ they did.”