I tried to hold the night 是帶著寄望廢墟 心再空虛 仍在期待著白晝 誰伴我左右 會否可以永久
I tried to step to heaven 卻永未發生 給我的傷 還在靜候 誰瞻仰 不需要你的氧 即使墮太深
It’s time Tell me what you see Hold my hand Breathe Lights are going down Feeling what you fear It’s gonna be real Yea
I’m turning back but I won’t forget Even if you don’t help me out I tried to do all the things we talked about Then you crushed me to the ground
I’m turning back but I won’t forget Even if you don’t help me out I tried to do all the things we talked about Then you crushed me to the ground
When you left me here Hearts a battleground But I’m still around
When I’m still around When you left me here Hearts a battleground But I’m still around
Every step I take everything I made Fading into the night Now it's a losing fight
I’m turning back but I won’t forget Even if you don’t help me out I tried to do all the things we talked about Then you crushed me to the ground
I’m turning back but I won’t forget Even if you don’t help me out I tried to do all the things we talked about Then you crushed me to the ground