As we age, life becomes a little more complicated and things start to feel different. You realize you're no longer the youngest in the room, and you're far from being 18 or 22 anymore (I’M NOT 18 OR 22). It can make you feel uneasy, but it's just part of the journey. IT’S HARD AND WE KNOW IT! But hey, we can face the challenges head-on and still be adults who know how to have fun. 有冇試過突然醒覺——自己已經唔係最細嗰個?
細個成日覺得18歲好遙遠,22歲超chill,但眨下眼,原來已經行咗咁遠… 生活開始複雜,責任爆棚,壓力有時大到令人懷疑自己...係咪真係跟得上?
但係,冷靜啲,深呼吸! I GOT YOU, IT'S GONNA BE ALRIGHT! 成長就係咁,係會有啲迷惘,係會有啲不安,但呢啲全部都係你變得更強嘅過程。
放鬆啲,相信自己 你唔再18/22,但係我哋一齊頂住!