電腦面前坐足幾個字 喺一片白色上面已經打咗幾個字 I’m not lazy 諗起三份deadline嘅PPT 即刻好想offline就恍似
<> 嘅歌詞 唱出你我心事 吸收酒精 將壓力 瞬間地轉移 喂喂放工 Is anyone free Apt Apt Apt how about you
Endless night, the time is slowing down Stuck in here, only you are being around Where shadows softly drown Can someone light up our town
好想忘記一切 飲兩round 但係酒精濃度 即使有幾高 我依舊會心煩
I just wanna dance Baby you were there Time to log out Burn out Wednesday night I just wanna dance Baby you were there 你問我做緊乜嘢 我唔知道 I just wanna dance Baby you were there Full of Wednesday dirts that slowly kill 做野做到深夜仍不覺疲倦 想再重温
星期三心情特別難過 係咪因為特別地難過 明明仲有兩日 但好似遙不可及 喂 你有冇同樣嘅感覺
Friday night 個腦Friday night 只係Wednesday night 啱啱去到一半 究竟乜嘢係盡頭 咩係開始 已經搞唔清未來定係歷史
諗諗吓係半杯水嘅意思 快快飲埋佢 收工記住唔好太遲 幾時可以攞辭 幾時可以財自 同你keep住吹水 唔記得放工其實幾時
傾傾計 我哋去傾傾計 嘗試學做一班快樂嘅奴隸 夜幕下見證一堆螞蟻 無止境工作 on this Wednesday night
I just wanna dance Baby you were there Time to log out Burn out Wednesday night I just wanna dance Baby you were there 你問我做緊乜嘢 我唔鬼知道
Baby it's the time to say goodnight 個腦運作緊晝夜極不振 Baby it's the time to say goodbye 逢禮拜三要重温