9月8日 (星期日)28°C 96

I Thought / JESS Law

派台日期: 2024-04-08  
作曲:JESS Law
填詞:JESS Law
編曲:JESS Law, Prod Mery
監製:JESS Law, 關禮琛



From scratch由製作beats組合,再作曲填詞唱vocal melody,到加入各種adlibs及synths疊加層次,不斷掙扎及自我質疑下修改了無數次,花了半年時間創作的這首DnB歌曲,整體曲風是走節奏感及黯然空虛感路線。

歌詞想表達現今的一些戀愛現象 - 隨便的曖昧搭訕、快速墜入的愛河、悄無聲息的分開,一次又一次的輪迴,對待愛情早已變質,每個人都可以是加害者與受害者,不勝唏噓。


I fell into the way you make me feel
It felt unreal, but I don’t care
We talked for months, did what all lovers do
Oh suddenly, you disappeared

Don't wanna get up 'til late,
Don't wanna go out today,
checking on your IG updates

Every single day's the same,
Every single thing is lame,
Is it only me who felt the pain

I thought…
You loved me you hugged me you made it easy
You were my sunshine my light my destiny
Ha~hahahahaha, you're gone
Ha~hahahahaha, you're gone

I start to wonder, if love’s disposable
Or am I a dupe to call this love
You took so much, nono you never give
Hey easy come, bye easy go

Don't wanna get up 'til late,
Don't wanna go out today,
Thinking you would be back someday

Every single night's the same,
Every single thing is lame,
Maybe all of this is just a game

I thought…
You loved me you hugged me you made it easy
You were my sunshine my light my destiny
Ha~hahahahaha, you're gone
Ha~hahahahaha, you're gone

Please don’t go, stay with me
even just, in the dream

You loved me you hugged me you made it easy
You were my sunshine my light my destiny
Ha~hahahahaha, you're gone