5月14日 (星期二)25°C 68

Hammer to the Heart / Teddy Swims

派台日期: 2024-04-26  
唱片公司:Warner Music


Teddy Swims 將會以極好口碑的專輯《I've Tried Everything But Therapy》全新豪華版回歸樂壇,專輯中加入了四首新歌,其中包括全新主打〈Hammer to the Heart〉。這位不停突破自我的藝人在今年有非凡的成就,憑熱爆歌曲〈Lose Control〉創下他歌手生涯多個里程碑,包括榮登Billboard Hot 100 歌曲榜榜首。

Teddy Swims returns with four new songs for his deluxe album, including the focus track "Hammer to the Heart" on Apr 26. The groundbreaking artist had a groundbreaking year, hitting countless milestones with "Lose Control," including topping the Billboard Hot 100.