12月22日 (星期日)18°C 43

Sherine 尚羚, TOKU / Moonglow

派台日期: 2024-09-26  
唱片公司:Universal Music


本地爵士女星Sherine 尚羚繼2021年推出香港爵士界首張MQA製式高音質全英文大碟《TWO FOR THE ROAD》後,3年後推出大碟主打單曲 “Moonglow”,更邀請了在日本被喻為爵士才子的TOKU一同合作,遠赴東京錄音,由國際著名爵士音樂監製Jesse Van Ruller錄製歌曲。TOKU曾經為Cyndi Lauper第11張大碟《Memphis Blues》日本版錄音。這次從爵士標準曲「那月光帶給我你」中汲取靈感,以動畫藝術創作主題MV。〈觀看MV)大碟《3 & More》將於10月22日正式上架。Sherine 尚羚亦將於10月27日於自由爵士音樂節中演出。


It must have been moonglow
Way up in the blue
It must have been moonglow
That led me straight to you
I still hear you saying
"Dear one, hold me fast"
And I keep on praying
Oh Lord, please let this last
We seemed to float right through the air
Heavenly songs seemed to come from ev'ry where
And now when there's moonglow
Way up in the blue
I always remember that moonglow gave me you
It must have been moonglow
Way up in the blue
It must have been moonglow
That led me straight to you
I still hear you saying
"Dear one, hold me fast"
And I start in praying
Oh Lord, please let this last
We seemed to float right through the air
Heavenly songs seemed to come from ev'ry where
And now when there's moonglow
Way up in the blue
I always remember that moonglow gave me you... that moonglow gave me you