11月25日 (星期一)23°C 79

I was yesterday / per se

派台日期: 2024-11-19  
唱片公司:Sony Music
作曲:per se
填詞:Stephen Mok
編曲:per se
監製:per se



《secondhand memories》是本地詩式流行二人組合 per se 的第七個音樂企劃。青蔥校園時光是我們成長中最珍貴的時代,亦塑造了我們成為一個怎樣的大人。時光荏苒,與我們走散的人愈來愈多,擁有共同經歷的人愈來愈少。青春回憶中的色彩,唯有與我們並肩經歷的人才能看到。過往種種的美好與遺憾,我們清楚記得,卻又無法再次言喻,懷舊的苦澀大概如此。

《secondhand memories》中的故事是二手的。也許你們會察覺相似,但又有所不同。無論如何,「二手回憶」只是一個引子,只有親身經歷才能體驗箇中感覺,這本來就是回憶的美。從過去的日子中,找回自己,重拾邁向未來的期盼,過更少遺憾的生活。


look into my eyes
a dream of yesterday
a scene you’d recognize
but can’t remember where

perhaps a different life
perhaps a different season
when was I forgotten then?

oh when was I?
oh when was I?

fallen from the wall
group photograph of then
how many characters remained the same
do you remember them?

and as the years go by
countless goodbyes
if we could walk back to where we were
would you still come along?

please memorize
hold on this time
for when you wake up tomorrow
I won’t be here again