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Kenyan activists rethink strategy after protests descend into violence

3/7/2024 17:06
        Activists behind Kenya's anti-government protests are rethinking their strategy after demonstrations on Tuesday were marred by widespread violence and looting.
        The activists say the violence was the work of "goons" hired by politicians to either discredit legitimate demonstrators or advance their own agendas, but they acknowledge that it risks undermining the protest movement.
        "It seems the state has realised that the only way to counter this movement is by using goons to incite violence, break into people's property, loot, and tarnish our cause," Ojango Omondi, an activist in the capital Nairobi, told Reuters.
        "It's time to go back to the drawing board and strategise on how best to overcome this violence and keep our protests focused on their true objectives."
        Kenya's government spokesperson did not respond to a request for comment. In a statement on Tuesday, Interior Minister Kithure Kindike blamed violence on "hordes of marauding criminal gangs" and said there was an attempt to "politicise crime".


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