9月30日 (星期一)33°C 63

Austrian far right seeks path to power through rivals' blockade

30/9/2024 11:41
        Austria's far-right Freedom Party (FPO) must on Monday seek to clear a path to power after its historic parliamentary election victory left the anti-establishment outfit needing a partner to form a governing coalition.
        The triumph of the Eurosceptic, Russia-friendly FPO on Sunday was another milestone in the recent rise of Europe's hard right. But the party immediately suffered a stiff reality check.
        Facing FPO party leader Herbert Kickl in a television studio after results came in, leaders of the other parties in parliament dismissed his overtures on forming a coalition.
        The FPO finished around 2.5 percentage points ahead of Chancellor Karl Nehammer's conservative People's Party (OVP) to capture some 29% of the vote - its best result ever - and Kickl accused his rivals of opposing the will of the people.


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