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China's Xi Jinping to visit Serbia on anniversary of 1999 NATO bombing

7/5/2024 19:09
        Chinese President Xi Jinping is due to land in Serbia on Tuesday on the 25th anniversary of the accidental NATO bombing of China's Embassy in which three
        Chinese journalists were killed, the second stop of his first European tour in five years.
        Twenty Chinese nationals were wounded in the 1999 NATO attack, which prompted outrage in China and an apology from then U.S. President Bill Clinton.
        The embassy was hit during a campaign against the then Yugoslavia to force late Serbian strongman Slobodan Milosevic to end a crackdown on ethnic Albanians in Kosovo.
        "The Chinese people appreciate the peace but will never allow that a historic tragedy repeats itself," Xi said in an opinion article in the daily Politika on Tuesday.
        "The friendship between China and Serbia which is soaked in blood that the two peoples spilled together has become a joint memory of the two peoples and will encourage both parties to make together huge steps forward," Xi said.


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