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U.N. agency appeals for aid to help Haiti weather hurricane season

8/6/2024 16:47
        UNICEF, the U.N. children's agency, appealed on Friday for international aid to help prepare violence-plagued Haiti for a dangerous Atlantic hurricane season that could be deadly for the island's many displaced people.
        The hurricane season that traditionally begins in June and runs through November is forecast to be severe this year. A gang-fueled crisis has devastated Haiti, and the U.N. estimates 360,000 people in the Caribbean nation are displaced.
        "With every cyclone, every tornado, every flood, children will lose their homes, their livelihoods, their lives, and the season has barely started," Bruno Maes, UNICEF representative in Haiti, said in a statement.
        UNICEF said a late May tornado in northern Haiti, which left some 4,350 people homeless, marked an "omen of a potentially devastating cyclone season."


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