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South Korea's doctors plan June 18 strike to protest reforms

9/6/2024 16:12
        South Korea's main doctors' lobby group said on Sunday it would go on strike on June 18 to protest the government's healthcare reform plan, defying a warning by the prime minister that such action would damage the credibility of the medical community.
        The Korean Medical Association, which it says represents the country's 140,000 doctors, said 74% of the members who participated in a vote approved "collective action."
        Association President Lim Hyun-taek said the government's plan would destroy the country's medical system and do nothing to change the chronic problems of fewer doctors working in essential disciplines and inadequate compensation.
        "With the support of representatives throughout the country, the Korean Medical Association (KMA) will stand at the forefront of the fight to rescue the medical system," Lim told a meeting attended by representatives of various medical groups.
        Lim said members would stop work on June 18 and there were plans for a mass rally.


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