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Seoul to restart anti-Pyongyang loudspeaker broadcasts

9/6/2024 16:23
        South Korea announced Sunday it would resume anti-North Korean propaganda loudspeaker broadcasts in border areas in retaliation to the North sending over 1000 balloons filled with trash and manure over the last couple of weeks.
        The move is certain to anger Pyongyang and potentially prompt it to take retaliatory military steps, and adds to tensions between the war-divided rivals amid a diplomatic stalemate over the North's nuclear ambitions.
        Following an emergency security meeting led by South Korean national security director Chang Ho-jin on Sunday, officials decided to install and begin the loudspeaker broadcasts, Seoul's presidential office said in a statement.
        Chang and other South Korean security officials berated Pyongyang for attempting to cause "anxiety and disruption" in South Korea and stressed that North Korea would be "solely responsible" for any future escalation of tensions between the Koreas.


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