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South Korea, US to hold new round of nuclear planning talks in Seoul

10/6/2024 11:52
        South Korea and the United States were set to hold talks on Monday in Seoul on better coordinating an allied nuclear response during a war with North
        Korea, amid anxiety over Pyongyang's growing arsenal, Seoul officials said.
        The third meeting of the Nuclear Consultative Group (NCG) is designed to follow up on last year's summit, during which the United States promised to give South Korea more insight into its nuclear planning for a conflict with the North.
        The talks came as North Korea races ahead to advance its nuclear weapons and their delivery systems, which triggered questions in South Korea about its reliance on "extended deterrence" - in essence the American nuclear umbrella.
        Some politicians, including some senior members of President Yoon Suk Yeol's party, called for Seoul to develop its own nuclear weapons, a step Washington opposes.


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