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US to close costly Texas immigration detention center and reroute funds

11/6/2024 6:25
        U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) will close a costly Texas detention center and reallocate the funds to increase overall detention capacity as the agency ramps up operations to implement new U.S. border restrictions.
        In a memo to U.S. lawmakers on Monday, ICE said it would shutter the South Texas Family Residential Center in Dilley, Texas, freeing up money to expand detention bed space elsewhere.
        Biden, a Democrat seeking another term in Nov. 5 elections, rolled out a policy last week that bars most migrants who cross the U.S.-Mexico border illegally from claiming asylum. The new asylum ban aims to quickly process migrants for potential deportation, which could strain ICE's detention space.
        As of June 6, the agency held around 37,000 people, close to its funded capacity of 41,500, ICE figures show.


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