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Hamas says it accepts UN-backed Gaza truce plan, US cites 'hopeful sign'

11/6/2024 19:24
        U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on Tuesday a Hamas statement of support for a U.N. resolution backing a proposal for a ceasefire in the Gaza war was a "hopeful sign" though word from the militant group's leadership in the enclave was vital.
        Conversations on plans for Gaza after the Israel-Hamas war ends will continue on Tuesday afternoon and in the next couple of days, Blinken said in Jerusalem after talks with Israeli leaders. "It's imperative that we have these plans."
        Blinken met Israeli officials on Tuesday in a concerted push to end the eight-month-old war a day after President Joe Biden's proposal for a ceasefire was approved by the U.N. Security Council.


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