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Haiti transition council picks ministers for new-look Cabinet

12/6/2024 6:53
        Haiti's transition council picked new ministers on Tuesday, rounding out the new prime minister's cabinet, in a stark departure from the previous administration as the country battles a deep humanitarian crisis fueled by armed gangs.
        The cabinet, announced nearly two weeks after Prime Minister Garry Conille himself was named to his post, trims the number of ministers while replacing all who served in former Prime Minister Ariel Henry's cabinet. Many of the new picks were drawn from outside Haiti's political class altogether.
        Haiti's prolonged social and political crisis has deepened since a presidential assassination in 2021 threw the Caribbean nation into upheaval. Gangs have expanded their control over the country while displacing thousands of civilians.
        In the new cabinet, the prime minister will also serve as interior minister, who controls much of Haiti's security forces as well as intelligence gathering.


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