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Biden administration touts quick Baltimore channel reopening

12/6/2024 17:15
        This week's reopening of Baltimore's main shipping channel - less than three months after the Key Bridge collapse - was due to expertise gained from a COVID-era task force, a highway overpass collapse and the 2021 infrastructure law, government officials said.
        The deadly March 26 collision of the cargo ship Dali into the Francis Scott Key Bridge had paralyzed a major transportation artery for the U.S. Northeast.
        Within hours, President Joe Biden directed aides to get the channel reopened, the bridge rebuilt and vowed the federal government would cover the full costs. His administration has previously faced criticism for its initial response to the 2023 derailment of a train in Ohio.
        Federal officials said on Monday that full access to the channel had been restored after the removal of 50,000 tons of debris. On Wednesday, Maryland Gov. Wes Moore and other officials are holding a press event to mark its reopening.


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