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NATO members to crack down on Russian spies in response to sabotage

13/6/2024 18:24
        NATO members are set to take tougher action against Russian spies across the alliance in response to a campaign of hostile activities by Moscow that includes acts of sabotage and cyber attacks, NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg said on Thursday.
        Several countries such as Poland, Germany, Britain and the Czech Republic reported incidents over the past weeks.
        At the end of May, Polish security services arrested a man suspected of trying to obtain photos of military vehicles crossing the border into Ukraine, as well as three men accused of committing arson on the orders of Russian intelligence.
        Poland says its role as a hub for military and other supplies to Ukraine has made it a target for Russian spies trying to gather information on support for Kyiv's effort to repel Russia's invasion, as well as engage in acts of sabotage.
        Around the same time, the German military reported the discovery of explosives attached to the NATO pipeline running through the country.


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