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New Zealand to reform 'outdated' firearm laws

14/6/2024 11:38
        The New Zealand government said on Friday it would reform the country's "outdated and complicated" firearm laws which have been in place for more than 40 years.
        New Zealand's previous government tightened firearm laws after a gunman killed 51 Muslim worshippers in Christchurch 2019 in the country's worst peace-time mass shooting. While gun violence in New Zealand was rare, it has been increasing in recent years.
        Associate Justice Minister Nicole McKee said on Friday that it was now time to update the country's Arms Act to make sure its fit for purpose for today and into the future.
        The current government has already introduced the Firearms Prohibition Orders Legislation Bill. The changes include making it harder for gang members to own guns but easier for people to have a ban on gun ownership lifted. It is also undertaking a consultation on the regulation of shooting clubs.


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