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Israeli troops kill 5 Palestinian fighters inside West Bank mosque

29/8/2024 17:43
        The Israeli military said on Thursday its troops killed five Palestinian fighters who were hiding inside a mosque in the West Bank city of Tulkarm, in one of the largest assaults on the occupied territory for months.
        The operation, which a Reuters witness said has yet to conclude, began in the early hours of Wednesday with hundreds of Israeli troops backed by helicopters, drones and armoured personnel carriers raiding the flashpoint cities of Tulkarm, Jenin and areas in the Jordan Valley.
        There was also a complete network outage at Jawwal, one of the two main telecommunications companies in the Palestinian territories of Gaza and the West Bank,.
        Palestinian health authorities said at least 12 Palestinians were killed in Wednesday's operations.
        In Jenin on Thursday, bulldozers edged along empty streets as the sound of drones pierced the sky, while Israeli troops remained stationed in front of the city's main hospital, searching ambulances.
        The military on Wednesday blocked off access to the hospital with earth mounds and was checking ambulances entering to prevent fighters from seeking refuge there.


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