9月15日 (星期日)28°C 84
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9 subdivided flat owners fined over $24,000 for violating regulations

31/8/2024 8:43
        9 subdivided flat owners admitted to violating the rent control regulations, including failing to submit the rental notice to the Rating and Valuation Department within the deadline, and failing to produce copies of the bills when asking tenants to share the water and electricity bills.
        They were fined $24,800 at the Eastern Magistrates' Courts.
        The Rating and Valuation Department said that it had earlier discovered that the owners in the case were suspected of violating the relevant regulations. After in-depth investigation and evidence collection, prosecution was filed.
        One of the owners violated 11 charges and was fined $8,800. Since the ordinance came into effect, a total of 319 subdivided flat owners who violated the regulations have been convicted and fined a total of more than $750,000.


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