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Police found illicit cigarettes in car involved in manic driving

9/9/2024 5:55
        A private car was involved in a police pursuit where the driver ended getting out of the car and leaving the scene. The police found a batch of unduty-paid cigarettes in the car and arrested the passengers.
        The incident occurred at about 9 pm on Sunday. Officers from the Traffic Enforcement and Control Section of the West Kowloon Region were on patrol near Nathan Road near Shantung Street. They discovered through the automatic license plate recognition system that the driving license of a private car had expired, so they went to the police station. The vehicle was intercepted and checked, but the private car failed to stop as instructed and sped off along Nathan Road towards Tsim Sha Tsui. The police immediately launched a pursuit.
        During the escape, the private car was suspected of violating traffic regulations many times, including illegal cutting, running lights and driving on the wrong lane. When it arrived in Hung Hom, it was suspected that it lost control and crashed into a parked car. At the outer wall of the venue, the driver got out of the car and fled in the direction of Ma Tau Wai.
        The police arrested the passenger, a 46-year-old man and seized about 5,440 suspected duty-unpaid cigarettes in the private car. After preliminary investigation, the case was listed as reckless driving, using a vehicle without third-party insurance, obstructing a police officer in the performance of his duties and possession of dutiable goods. The arrested man reported feeling unwell and was sent to Queen Elizabeth Hospital for treatment when he regained consciousness.


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