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Police towed away illegally parked vehicles and issued more than 1,800 tickets

13/9/2024 5:47
        The police, together with traffic wardens, carried out enforcement actions at various traffic black spots in the district on Hong Kong Island yesterday. A total of 2 illegally parked vehicles causing serious obstructions were towed away and 1,842 fixed penalty notices were issued, which mainly involved illegal parking, failing to obey traffic signs and road markings.
        Separately, the police arrested a 47-year-old male driver of an electric portable scooter on suspicion of driving an unlicensed vehicle, driving a vehicle without valid third-party insurance, driving without a license and driving without wearing a protective helmet. He has been released on bail pending investigation and must report to the police station in the middle of next month.
        The police also used mobile video recording to cooperate with traffic enforcement operations. During the period, 110 illegal vehicles were discovered, and relevant persons will be prosecuted. The police issued 43 summonses, which mainly involved pedestrians who did not follow traffic lights to cross the road and failed to display Valid vehicle license plates.


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