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Sports Commissioner of the Bureau of Culture, Sports and Tourism resigns

13/9/2024 6:04
        The Culture, Sports and Tourism Bureau announced that due to personal reasons, Sports Commissioner Sam Wong Tak-sum had earlier submitted his resignation and will leave his post on the 20th of this month.
        The bureau thanked the commissioner for his contribution to Hong Kong sports policy and sports development in the past year, and wishes him success in his future work and continued contribution to the Hong Kong sports industry. The Bureau will arrange the selection of candidates to succeed him according to established procedures. Some scholars believe that the successor should have the same athletic background as Sam Wong Tak-sum.
        Sam Wong Tak-sum, who has just completed one-year of his contract as Sports Commissioner, was a Hong Kong team athlete in the 1990s and served as the administrative director of the Hong Kong Table Tennis Association in recent years. It is understood that he is on vacation until the 19th, which is the day before he leaves office.


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