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Prospects for a Gaza ceasefire dim even as US keeps hope

21/9/2024 6:24
        U.S. officials have not given up hope of landing a Gaza ceasefire and hostage deal but are increasingly pessimistic that a breakthrough can come anytime soon, according to sources and officials familiar with the matter.
        The Wall Street Journal on Thursday reported that senior U.S. officials were now privately acknowledging that an agreement may not be within reach before President Joe Biden's term ends in January.
        While noting the dim prospects, several U.S. officials said this was not an administration-wide assessment.
        "I do not rule it out," said one of the U.S. officials when asked whether a deal can be struck before the end of Biden's term, adding the administration continues to work on bridging the remaining gaps.
        "Doesn't mean it will get done," the official added, speaking on condition of anonymity.


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