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Yemen's Houthi defense minister vows to continue attacks against Israel

21/9/2024 15:22
        Yemen's Houthi defense minister vowed in a televised statement late Friday that his group would continue attacks against Israel.
        The Houthi-run al-Masirah TV quoted Defense Minister Mohammed Nasser al-Atifi as saying, "The Israeli entity, and those who support and back it, must understand well that our strikes will continue."
        He said, "Any attack on our land or on our allies will be met with a fast and strong response. We are determined to strike at the depth of Israel and its sensitive sites, and we will not stop until the aggression on Gaza stops."
        The Houthi defense minister said, "We tell Israel, you are now in the range of our fire."
        Earlier this week, the Houthi group claimed responsibility for what it said was a "ballistic missile attack in Tel Aviv."
        Since November last year, the Houthi group has been launching missile and drone attacks targeting what it said were "Israeli-linked" ships in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, as well as targets in Israel, to show solidarity with the Palestinians in Gaza.


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