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Scholz's Social Democrats fend off far-right in state elections

23/9/2024 6:10
        German Chancellor Olaf Scholz's Social Democrats (SPD)
        managed to fend off the far-right AfD in a state election in
        Brandenburg on Sunday after trailing behind the party throughout
        the campaign, according to exit polls.
        The SPD, which has governed the state surrounding the
        capital Berlin since reunification in 1990, scored 32% of the
        vote, ahead of the Alternative for Germany on 29%, in a last
        minute comeback, according to the exit poll by broadcaster ZDF.
        The success for the SPD could give Scholz a slight
        reprieve from party discussions about his suitability to be once
        more be its chancellor candidate for next year's federal
        It is unlikely however to give him or his party a major
        boost given the popular, incumbent SPD premier Dietmar Woidke
        had distanced himself from Scholz during the campaign and
        criticized the federal government's policies.


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