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Some 40% of regions, cities and companies lack emissions-cut targets

23/9/2024 11:58
        More than 40% of major companies, cities and regions have still not set any targets to cut greenhouse gas emissions, according to an annual "stocktake"
        released on Monday to gauge global progress in the fight against catastrophic climate change.
        While more governments and enterprises have issued net-zero pledges since last year, their attention has been further diverted by wars, elections and economic challenges, leaving a significant "commitment gap", said Net Zero Tracker, a coalition of research groups at the University of Oxford.
        As countries prepare to submit new 2035 climate targets to the United Nations, policymakers and company boardrooms are struggling to translate long-term goals into concrete action, with transition plans still lacking robustness and detail, the researchers said.
        "A common theme throughout this report is the persistent lack of integrity across the board," said John Lang, who heads Net Zero Tracker's Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit.


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