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New French interior minister says security will be top priority

23/9/2024 18:54
        France's new Interior Minister Bruno Retailleau said on Monday that security would be his top priority as he and other ministers from Prime Minister Michel Barnier's government took office on Monday.
        Retailleau, 63, a conservative known for his hard-right views, is one of the few heavyweights in a government Barnier and President Emmanuel Macron struggled to put together after snap elections in early July delivered a hung parliament.
        While an alliance of left-wing parties topped the ballot, and the far-right National Rally (RN) was the single party with the most votes, Macron's centrists eventually struck a deal with the center right and conservatives to form a government.
        "The French people want more order - order in the streets, order at the borders," said Retailleau, long a senator for the conservative Republicans (LR) party.
        He said he would be tough on those who attack or disrespect politicians, and would also take a tough stance on antisemitism.


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