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Donald Trump says Zelenskiy wants Democrats to win US election

24/9/2024 12:22
        Donald Trump said on Monday that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy wanted the Democrats to win the 2024 U.S. election, in which the former president faces Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic candidate.
        The Republican presidential candidate's statement on the campaign trail contrasts with the line adopted by some of his allies, who have argued that Ukraine would welcome Trump back as only he - in their telling - has the acumen to negotiate with Russian President Vladimir Putin to end Moscow's war on Ukraine.
        "I think Zelenskiy is the greatest salesman in history. Every time he comes into the country, he walks away with 60 billion dollars," Trump said at a rally in western Pennsylvania. "He wants them to win this election so badly, but I would do differently - I will work out peace."
        Zelenskiy and Harris' campaign had no immediate reaction to Trump's remarks, and Trump gave no details of his peace plan, beyond reiterating he would call Putin and Zelenskiy and urge them to work out an accord, should he win the Nov. 5 election.


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