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China's PLA conducts first public test launch of ICBM

25/9/2024 12:46
        China publicly acknowledged for the first time that it successfully launched an intercontinental ballistic missile into the Pacific Ocean on Wednesday, in a move likely to raise international concerns about the country's nuclear build-up.
        The Chinese defence ministry said in a statement, he ICBM, carrying a dummy warhead, was launched by the People's Liberation Army Rocket Force at 08:44 a.m. Beijing time (0044 GMT) on Wednesday and "fell into expected sea areas," adding it was a "routine arrangement in our annual training plan" and not directed at any country or target.
        China "informed the countries concerned in advance," according to a separate Xinhua report, which did not clarify the path of the missile or where exactly in the "high seas of the Pacific Ocean" it fell.
        Xinhua reported, the launch "effectively tested the performance of weapons and equipment and the training level of the troops, and achieved the expected goal."


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