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Chinese modernization will create new opportunities

27/9/2024 6:13
        Chinese Ambassador to the United Kingdom (UK) Zheng Zeguang has said that Chinese modernization will create new opportunities for China's cooperation with other countries.
        Speaking at a reception held on Wednesday to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the ambassador recalled China's remarkable achievements over the past 75 years, saying its development has been an engine for the global economy and injected positive energy into world peace.
        "With reform measures rolled out at the third plenum of the 20th CPC Central Committee, China's social vitality will be further unleashed, development momentum reinforced, and high-quality development boosted, and new opportunities will be created for China's cooperation with other countries," Zheng said.
        He said that China and the UK should work together to follow up on the understanding between the leaders of the two countries, uphold mutual respect, enhance engagement, and expand cooperation, so as to build a stable and mutually beneficial relationship and contribute to world peace and stability.
        Parliamentary Under-Secretary Catherine West at the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office spoke on behalf of the UK government at the reception. More than 500 guests from all walks of life in the UK, ambassadors from various countries to the UK, and representatives from the Chinese community, Chinese-funded institutions, and Chinese students attended the event.
        Also at the reception, China-Britain Business Council Chair Sherard Cowper-Coles told Xinhua that China's development is "without parallel in human history."
        The UK has an economy and a society that is very complementary to China and the two sides enjoy a huge potential for cooperation, said Cowper-Coles. "I hope we can be part of Chinese modernization, and I hope the world can share in it."
        He said: "I don't believe in de-globalization or decoupling or de-risking, I think we de-risk by engaging with each other, by exchanging goods and services and ideas."
        Highlighting a shared future between the two countries, he said, "We should have a shared future, we must have a shared future, and we must work together."


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