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Thirteen dead in clashes between police and gangs in Brazilian Amazon city

18/1/2025 7:25
Thirteen people have died in gang violence in the past four days in Porto Velho, the capital of Rondonia state in the Brazilian Amazon, where gang members have clashed with police, raising concerns about the growing power of gangs in the region.

Eight people were killed in attacks by criminal gangs and another five died in clashes with the police since Tuesday morning, according to Rondonia's security department.

Criminals set fire to 20 buses, most of them belonging to schools, likely to protest police retaliation. The attacks prompted authorities to limit the hours when public transportation is available and assign police escorts to city buses.

The crisis led the federal government to send national public security force troops to Rondonia to help the state police contain the wave of violence for at least 90 days.


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